07 4338 7600



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on Country (coming soon)

The 3 Main Butchulla Lores


The 3 Main Butchulla Lores

1. What is good for the land must come first:

For the Butchulla people, the land is not just a place to live on, it is a living entity with its own seasons, rhythms and natural life cycles. We believe that the wellbeing of Country (land, sea and sky) is of utmost important, as it sustains us physically, culturally and spiritually. Our lore teaches us that we are caretakers of this land, sea and sky. Our actions must prioritise its health, wellness and vitality. By nurturing and protecting the Country, we ensure a harmonious existence for all living creatures and maintain a deep connection to our people, place and home.

2. Do not take or touch anything that does not belong to you.

Respect and reciprocity are fundamental principles in Butchulla lore. We understand that every element of Country (land, sea and sky) from the tiniest grain of sand to the tallest tree, has its place and purpose. Our lore guides us to take only what we need and to do so respectfully, seeking permission and acknowledging the custodianship of others. We belong to our Country as much as it belongs to us. By adhering to this lore, we maintain balance and harmony within our community and with the land, the waters (fresh and salt) and sky we hold dear.

3. If you have plenty, you must share.

Sharing is an integral part of Butchulla culture, reflecting our deep sense of community and interconnectedness with all life on Country and this living planet. We believe that abundance is to be shared, not hoarded. Whether it’s food, resources or knowledge, ‘our lore’ teaches us that ‘our way’ is not ego focused, it is spirit centered, this means we actively extend a helping hand to those in need. This principle reinforces our bonds as a community and ensures that everyone’s wellbeing is upheld. Through sharing, we celebrate unity and demonstrate our commitment to the wellbeing of all Butchulla people and the wider community on the Fraser Coast.