07 4338 7600



Book a ‘Welcome to

Book Cultural Awareness

Book Cultural Heritage
Induction Training

Book a Cultural Tour
on Country (coming soon)
Book Camping Sites
on Country (coming soon)



Here are Frequently asked questions about BNTAC – Butchulla Native Title Aboriginal Corporation:

1. How can I become a member of BNTAC, and what are the requirements for membership?
To become a member of BNTAC, you must be a Butchulla person and at least 18 years of age. The membership application requires you to complete it in full with all the appropriate information attached. You can obtain the application form and initiate the process by contacting our Membership Coordinator or at the BNTAC Office at (07) 4338 7600 or administrator@butchullantac.org.au.

See link here: www.butchullantac.org.au/membershipform

2. What is the significance of Native Title for the Butchulla people, and how does BNTAC work to protect it?
Native Title is a fundamental aspect of our cultural heritage and connection to Country. BNTAC, as the Registered Native Title Body Corporate for the Butchulla people, is dedicated to preserving, protecting, and promoting Native Title rights and interests. We achieve this through diligent legal compliance, good governance, and engaging with stakeholders and partners to ensure the proper implementation of Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs).
3. What programs and services does BNTAC offer to support the wellbeing and cultural heritage of the Butchulla community?
BNTAC provides a range of programs and services, including cultural heritage initiatives, cultural tourism, land-sea and resource management, and human services on Country. These programs nurture the wellbeing of Butchulla people and support a thriving, culturally rich, and sustainable community.
4. How can I update my contact information and details with BNTAC, and why is it essential to do so?
Keeping your information up to date is vital for staying informed about BNTAC events, meetings, and community gatherings. You can update your details by submitting the BNTAC Change of Details Form, ensuring that we can reach out to you with important updates and opportunities.
5. What is the role of the BNTAC Board of Directors, and how are they selected?
The BNTAC Board of Directors plays a critical role in decision-making and protecting Native Title rights and responsibilities. They are selected based on our Constitution — governance principles, ensuring transparent, accountable, and culturally appropriate leadership. Directors are elected and represent the diverse voices within the family groups of the Butchulla community.
6. What rights and responsibilities come with BNTAC membership, and how can I get involved in decision-making processes?
BNTAC members have the right to attend, speak, and vote at General Meetings. You can nominate or be nominated for election as a Director. This engagement allows you to actively participate in decision-making and governance, ensuring your voice is heard. You can also participate in activities, specific projects, Elders Committee and specialist workshops or information sharing sessions within the community.
7. Are there opportunities for me to contribute or work on initiatives that benefit the Butchulla community or its Country?
Yes, there are opportunities to get involved and contribute to the community. We actively engage with the Butchulla community, working groups, committees, and Elders to ensure cultural heritage remains strong. Additionally, our Co-Design and Co-Solutions Approach involves community members and partners in shaping the future.
8. How can I stay informed about upcoming BNTAC events, meetings, and community gatherings?

To stay informed about our events and gatherings, please visit our website at www.butchullantac.org.au for updates and news. You can also contact us at (07) 4338 7600 for specific event information.

9. What steps has BNTAC taken to preserve and promote the Butchulla culture and heritage?

Our strategic focus includes preserving, protecting, and promoting cultural heritage. We engage in cultural preservation, knowledge sharing, and cultural activities that strengthen our ties to our Country, customs, and traditions. For more information: see our Strategic Plan.

10. How does BNTAC engage with external partners, organisations, and government agencies to protect the Native Title rights and interests of the Butchulla people?
We work in partnership with local communities, councils, government agencies, and various stakeholders to protect and preserve Native Title rights and responsibilities. Our collaborative approach is central to achieving positive change and upholding the interests of the Butchulla people.